
Free Speech

free speechBugle Call supports the protection of our civil liberties under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We have a particular focus on the First Amendment which embodies the liberty of free expression through speech and the media, freedom of religious belief and practice, freedom of political belief, and the right for peaceful assembly to appeal to the government to modify policies and eradicate injustices. We are advocates for repealing or modifying the protections afforded to Big Tech and the social media platforms under Section 230 of the Communications and Decency Act as we maintain that these behemoth organizations have exploited these protections to censor and suppress the voices of conservative organizations and individuals.

In The News

Plane propped by cash OpIB1N

Boeing, Money Printing, & The Military-Industrial Complex

Boeing, Money Printing, & The Military-Industrial Complex Via SchiffGold.com, Boeing’s commercial jets struggle, but its military machines thrive, all fueled by endless fiat money… Not-so-mysteriously, none of the problems now associated with Boeing passenger planes seem to be affecting the weapons of annihilation they produce for the Military-Industrial Complex’s borderless global war machine, which is fueled by infinite fiat money. Myriad problems with Boeing passenger jets have put the company into the news just about every day for months, but the company makes much more than just planes for commercial passenger airlines. Boeing is also a major aerospace contractor that produces fighter jets, attack helicopters, predator drones, missiles, and even the president’s airplane, Air Force One.  To be fair, Boeing’s record as of late beyond commercial jets is far from perfect — its Starliner, a crewed craft designed to bring astronauts to the ISS, was plagued with issues on the way to the space station that are now being investigated by its astronauts. And Boeing’s main rival in the space industry, SpaceX, has had its own problems with similar craft. But when was the last time you heard about an Apache helicopter breaking down on its way to deliver a payload of highly-combustible “democracy” to a country unfortunate enough to be on the ever-expanding list of nation-states roped into unnecessary wars waged by the US or one of its global proxies? Somehow, the systemic quality control issues at Boeing appear much more likely to get a handful of hapless air travelers injured than to cause problems with a military operation that has the “righteous” cause of protecting the petrodollar hegemon. The printing of fiat money fuels both phenomena in different ways. Boeing’s corner-cutting and quality control issues are just one symptom of living in a fiat money system. As the dollar is debased, the incentive and ability to create

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